There are several theories about what is the "Mother of the Book" (Arabic: umm-ul-kitab) as it refers to the Koran (Quran). Some say that it is Al-Fatiha - the opening chapter. Some believe it is some celestial prototype of the Koran. I have always imagined that umm-ul-kitab is a collection of certain verses of the Koran, that either should be arranged in a specific order or possibly arranged randomly, magically becoming a much less boring book.
The annoying structure of the Koran with its repetitions, jumping from subject to subject and some verses being placed clearly out of context make the reading of this, unfortunately important book, a bit difficult. There are hundreds if not thousands of verses in the book about what God created, like the moon and the sun circling the earth, water sent from the sky, all of it for ungrateful mankind; who will enter hell and who will enter paradise; how the judgement day is surely coming - all of it effectively curing insomnia, but teaching little about unique aspects of Islam. So I thought, if I could only select all the interesting verses then everyone could easily read the "Mother of the Book" and learn about the Koran from the Koran itself, instead of from Muslim or anti-Muslim propaganda.
I will not pretend that my collection of Koranic verses now would be the same as 12 years ago, when I was hitting my forehead five times a day on prayer mat.
The main part of the blog will consist of verses from the Koran. The lesser part will consist of occasional comments.
Suggestions about what should be added to the blog are welcome.